What supplements do I buy? Complete guide with description, what it is for and how it is used.

It is common that sometimes one walks with extra money and really would like to stick "a flood" using nutritional supplements. But the questions are which one or which ones to use? How do I use them? Can they be combined?

Before writing this, it is necessary that the reader understands two very important rules:

A) - Food supplements are not magic, they will not make us the type of magazine with 8 crunches nor will we brutally accelerate the desired goal.  They are expensive products and are nothing more than complements to the solid diet that one must deal daily. Do you still want to use them?

B) - There are a lot of supplements on the market. Today there is everything and they promise you the sky, the sea and the land. The sad reality is that only a few of them actually work, while the others are 80% marketing, 10% placebo effect (self-convincing) and 10% tangible results. 

 It should be kept in mind that food supplement companies obviously profit from these products, making excellent marketing campaigns to buy their things. What marketing if I've ever seen a commercial of Whey Protein on TV? Easy, some bodybuilder you ever wear, use this product and wanted to buy the same.  

Moreover, until about 2002, in each jar or bottle of supplements, they had pictures of bodybuilders, giving an implicit message of "if you consume this product, you will remain the same as me" In such a way that many wanted to use Weider Nutrition Whey to have the arms of Günter Schlierkamp and the Amino 1800 of Scientific Body to have the chest of Christian Lobarede.

Simply, the photos of the athletes were abolished in the jars of these ergogenic products for the reasons mentioned and avoid in this way a possible demand to the company for "not to be like the type of the photo"

In the meantime, there is a product that exists, based on personal experience, American forums, Brazilian forums, athletes of all strengths (bodybuilding, strongman, powerlifting and weightlifting), and finally, based on scientific logic, supplements that "work the most" are below.
(Not ordered in order of importance)

Whey Protein

It is a product taken by athletes from all sports disciplines throughout the world.

What is for?
Regeneration of muscle mass and repair of broken tissue resulting from weight training. If we want to develop solid, fat-free (lean) muscle, then we must carry a hyperproteic diet. I mean red meat, yellow and blue, as well as eggs. In such a way that the whey protein plays a key role in complementing a diet of this nature.

How is it used?
Preferably, in the most "anabolic" moments of the organism. I mean wake up or after training. Whey protein is rapidly assimilated, so that it is barely able to be in the digestive system, as it passes directly into the bloodstream, "fulfilling its paste". It can also be used as a replacement for a solid meal, if we are poor in protein in a day in our diet.

Amino acids

Another excellent star supplement. They come in the form of a chain, as well as DNA and help to optimize amino acids that can not be synthesized by themselves.  The essential amino acids in the body are phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, thionine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

­ - What are they used for?
They promote the anabolic chain allowing a better digestion, tolerance and assimilation of the proteins ingested in our diet.
How are they used?
About 2 tablets before training and about 5 or 6 after training (yes, enough should be used)


Another wellness branch supplement. It is suitable for athletes, students and virtually everyone.

What is for?
For a variety of reasons, we do not always consume the amount of vitamins and minerals we require to be and feel good, so this supplement supplements this organic need. In addition, during weight training or aerobic, countless mineral salts are lost, which are essential for our mood. This supplement helps effective recovery.

How is it used?
No more than 2 tablets daily with the first meal. If it is used more than this, it does not make sense since the body does not have the capacity to synthesize such amount of nutrients. Sadly, it would translate into very expensive urine.

Vitamina C

Its use is widely known as a protector against colds and viral diseases of this nature, however there are other uses more bodybuilders.

What is for?
Vitamin C, consumed in an amount of 1gr. produces a side effect which reduces fluid retention in the body, leaving a drier look in the muscles, ideal for those who want to define themselves.

How is it used?
1gr. a day of vitamin C. along with the first meal

Nitric oxide

It is a very popular supplement today and full of qualities that are still discovering and investigating.

For what do you use it?
Mainly, it promotes greater vasodilation and erythropoiesis (vein enlargement and better blood circulation), as well as a more satisfactory and more durable post-workout muscle contraction. It is rather a "cellular food," which also promotes faster muscle recovery.

How is it used?
Because the presentation is in capsules of low capacity (0.75mg.) Should be used about 8 daily, 4 before training and 4 after.


It is an amino acid which is responsible for inhibiting the catabolic effect (loss of muscle mass).

What is for?
It is used in periods of very intense diet, low in carbohydrates, where the muscle tends to be lost. Glutamine acts by preventing this effect, only allowing it to attack the fat molecule only, leaving intact muscle mass. Another very popular use is when injuries occur or in periods of testing, those occasions where the training should stagnate or stop for a certain time. Glutamine is responsible for maintaining the muscle mass gained.

How is it used?
1 hour after training and before bed (5gr powder each measure)

Fat Burners

This supplement does not specifically perform what it says on its behalf, that is, do not burn fat properly such.

What is for?
They accelerate the metabolism, some of them take the adiposities or fats to the interior of the mitochondria realizing a process that could help to combust the fat of faster way than normal. Some fat burners contain elements such as guarana and caffeine, which accelerate us and produce a somewhat electric effect, motivating us to train harder and thus promoting an effective fat burning. Others help to inhibit the anxiety of meals, avoiding that we leave of the diet. There are several effects that cause but all have one goal in common: to lose weight.

How are they used?
Usually 1 or 2 tablets 45 minutes before exercise.


It is an organic acid found in muscles and is also a derivative of amino acids.
What is for?
It is a precursor of strength. It is mainly present in red meat, but also exists in synthetic form. However, the truth does not work for everyone. It is indicated for those of narrow bone structure or people "weak" by genetics. In them will see a change thanks to the use of this product and not so to those who are predisposed to muscle mass or overweight. These last people are strong by nature.
How is it used?
Their presentations are in tablets and powder, we recommend the latter of 10 to 15gr. one hour before training. It should be consumed with some juice rich in dextroza or sugar, so that its absorption is the best and thus take advantage of its effect to the maximum.


Along with calcium and shark cartilage, they are an excellent combination to protect against injury.
­ - What are they used for?
Together they are a stack that prevents us from muscle or joint injuries, from working with large weights or intense workouts. The habitual consumption of these components, keep our joints lubricated and reinforced, reducing the chances of suffering injuries.
How is it used?
1 tablet of each along with the first meal, every day of the week.


Amino acid responsible for strength and greater erythropoiesis.
What is for?
Like glutamine, it is an anticatabolic product. In addition, being a precursor of nitric oxide, it helps the vasodilation, forcing a widening of veins and consequently a greater force. This ultimately translates into a metabolic acceleration, where it also helps to lose fat, favoring lipolysis.
Ideal for those who seek resistance training or muscle definition, without losing strength.
How is it used?
3gr. before the 3gr. after training. EYE, do not take along with post-training protein, since both act by the same receptor, inhibiting the effect of L-arginine. That's why it's taken separately, hours apart.
This is roughly the star supplements. Many of them do not sell because of ignorance of the people, but with this we want to pay special attention to the mentioned supplements.
